Stop killing your content creation journey before it even begins.
The Struggle of a New Content Creator
We've all been there...constantly thinking about a million things.
Endless what if's. Whether or not our content is good enough. Why that video we spent 5 hours on only got 200 videos. And the extreme urge to wonder what our old high school classmates think when they end up seeing our content.
But if there's anything I've learned this 2024, it's that we live waaaayy too much in our own heads. Especially new content creators. We spend too much time over-analzying, assuming the worst, and scaring ourselves about things that 90% of the time, don't really matter/won't happen.
The result? Inaction.
By being stuck in our heads we forget that we need to move. We need to take action in the real world (a.k.a. keep creating content - even if it makes us cringe).
And in my content creation journey there are 4 things that keep creators (and myself) stuck in their heads.
The Paralysis of Perfectionism
One of the biggest culprits in our overthinking spiral is the desire for "perfection." We convince ourselves that our content needs to be flawless before we can hit post/publish. But perfection is a myth, especially in the world of content creation.
Every successful creator you admire started somewhere, and their first pieces were far from perfect. The key is to embrace the journey of improvement. Your 10th post will be better than your first, and your 100th will blow both out of the water. But you'll never get there if you don't start.
Fear of Judgment and Criticism
"What will people think?" This question haunts many new creators, keeping them trapped in a cycle of self-doubt. The fear of negative comments or criticism can be paralyzing. But remember, not everyone will love your content, and that's okay. That's actually how it's meant to be.
Criticism, when constructive, is a valuable tool for growth. (You just need to make sure you're getting feedback from the right people too)
And as for the trolls/haters? They're not your target audience anyway. So focus on creating for yourself AND the people you want to be part of your community.
The Comparison Trap
In the age of social media, it's all too easy to fall into the comparison trap. Scrolling through perfectly curated feeds of established creators can leave you feeling like…you suck. 😅 But remember, you're seeing their highlight reel, not their BTS struggles.
Every creator, no matter how successful, started exactly where you are now. Instead of comparing yourself to others, compare yourself to who you were yesterday.
Sure, it's good to have people you look up to and want to emulate. But use them as inspiration, not sources of unnecessary pressure, or worse, shame for yourself. There is no mold you have to fit yourself into.
At the end of the day, you just need to focus on your own path, nourish your own growth, and go at your own pace.
The Myth of Overnight Success
We've all heard stories of content going viral and creators becoming overnight sensations. But these can set unrealistic expectations and lead to disappointment when immediate success doesn't materialize.
This is what makes most content creators give up way too soon.
The truth is, most "overnight successes" are years - dare I say decades - in the making. It's years of hard work, persistence, and learning from failures. It's a marathon, not a sprint. So embrace your unique journey and focus on consistent improvement rather than instant gratification.
Besides…the faster you try to go, the more shortcuts you try to take, the shakier your foundation will be. And over time, it's just gonna cause things to crumble quickly. NOT FUN!
It's Time to Break Free
So now that you're aware of some things that could be holding you back, here are my favorite practical tips to overcome them:
✨ Embrace imperfection - done is better than perfect.
✨ Focus on quantity, then amp up quality. You won't know what it takes to make high-quality content if you don't create content at all. Get those reps in!
✨ Celebrate small wins and milestones along the way. Not everyone can handle content creation tbh. So the fact that you're trying/making progress is huge!
✨ Surround yourself with supportive fellow creators who understand the struggle. If your friends or family don't necessarily understand the content creation life, there's a lot of people out there who will! And they'll give you tons more support. I'm already one of them :)
So remember, every piece of content you create is a step forward in your journey. It's an opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with your audience. Don't let overthinking rob you of these opportunities.
The world needs your unique voice and perspective. So take a deep breath, silence that inner critic, and start creating.
Hi there! This is Iza. This is my first ever blog/article on ANY platform (yay!). And I really wanted to write this not just to help other content creators, but also as a reminder to myself to stop overthinking and just try! So if you've made it this far, keep putting yourself out there!!!
If you enjoyed this piece, I'll be writing a lot more about content creation, adulting, & mindset - so don't forget to follow for more! <3