No one is ever self-made.

Being “self-made” is a myth.

And it’s one of the most detrimental mindsets to have…that you can survive and thrive in this world ALONE.

NO ONE truly makes it alone. Not the tech billionaires, not the groundbreaking artists, not even those seemingly unstoppable entrepreneurs you idolize on social media. Sure, they've put in the work. But every single success story is woven with threads of support, guidance, and sometimes just plain luck.

Every breakthrough, every achievement, has invisible hands behind it.

If you haven’t recently, take some time to reflect on the people that have been impactful to your journey. Both in big and small ways. The mentor who believed in you when you didn’t believe in yourself. The friend who covered your shift so you could chase a dream. The family member who sacrificed so you could have opportunities they never had.

Then, actually thank them for it.

Make sure that they’re aware of how they touched your life one way or another.

In this never-ending pursuit of success, it’s crucial to stay grounded and humble. Everything we have, everything we’ve built, can all be taken away in a flash. So don’t hold yourself too high to the point that you fail to stay connected and grateful to others.

And just as we learn to accept help and acknowledge the support we’ve been given, we must also remember that life isn’t a one-way street of receiving.

Giving support is like circular energy. It’s not a linear transaction where you’re either the giver or the receiver. The most meaningful connections happen when we understand that we’re constantly shifting between these roles. Today, you might need a mentor’s guidance. Tomorrow, you could be the saving grace for a stranger on the street.

This isn’t about keeping score or expecting immediate returns. It’s about creating a culture of genuine support where everyone rises together. When you’ve been given a ladder, don’t just climb it. Turn around and help someone else up.

The world doesn’t need more isolated success stories. It needs networks of mutual growth. Every person who’s ever helped you was once in a position to choose between indifference and support. And they chose to extend their hand.

Don’t forget to do the same for others.


You’re getting in your own way again…


You don’t need more motivation.